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DPD Web Connect: Shipping via Shipcloud business rates

DPD shipping methods, additional services and shipping conditions

Ina Kahl avatar
Written by Ina Kahl
Updated over a week ago

In all our subscriptions, shipping with DPD is directly available to you via Shipcloud business rates.

In this article you will learn which DPD shipping methods and additional services you can use via Shipcloud business rates and what you should bear in mind.

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Available DPD services via Shipcloud business rates

For your DPD shipping via Shipcloud business rates, the following shipping methods and additional services are available. These are valid for shipping from Germany.

Shipping methods

DPD Standard

For less urgent shipments to destinations in Germany as well as within the EU.

📌 With your own DPD account, you can also use this service beyond EU borders.

DPD Express*

For urgent shipments to destinations in Germany.

📌 With your own DPD account you can also use this service internationally.

DPD Returns

For returns from Germany as well as from Austria, the Netherlands and Belgium.

📌 With your own DPD account you can also use this service internationally.

*DPD Express

📌 Please note that you must mark DPD Express parcels with the red/white striped DPD banderole.

You can find more information about the terms and conditions of carriage directly on the DPD website under the menu item "Terms of transport".

📌 National DPD Express parcels are calculated based on the actual weight (real weight) and the parcel dimensions. For all international DPD Express parcels transported by air freight, DPD uses the volumetric weight as the basis for calculation if this exceeds the real weight. Further information on the volumetric weight can also be found on the DPD website.

Additional services*


Drop-off at DPD Pickup Parcel Shops (from DE)

One-time pickup at the touch of a button (from DE)

DPD Predict / advance notice (national / parts of the EU)**

* Further integrated services are available to you with your own DPD account. You can find an overview of all available DPD connections, shipping methods and additional services here.

** Please note that DPD charges additional fees for misdeliveries and charges a surcharge for a new delivery attempt if you do not use or submit DPD Predict to DPD.

DPD shipping terms via Shipcloud business rates

Maximum dimensions and weight

Via Shipcloud business rates you can send small and standard parcels with DPD. Bulky goods shipments cannot be created via our business rates - you can only use this shipping option with your own DPD account.

Small parcels

Max. weight

3 kg

Max. dimensions

longest side 50 cm

Max. girth
((height + width) x 2 + length))

111 cm

Standard parcels

Max. weight

31,5 kg

Max. dimensions

longest side max. 175 cm

Max. girth
((height + width) x 2 + length))

max. 300 cm

Max. volume weight

max. 150 Ltr.


When shipping via Shipclouds business rates, the specified liability regulations of the respective carrier apply. In the case of DPD, the liability for domestic and international shipping in the event of loss or damage to your shipment is a maximum of 520 EUR.

Please be sure to observe DPD's terms and conditions of carriage. If these are not fulfilled, your liability claim may be void. You can find more information in the DPD terms and conditions. To download the GTC for DPD standard shipments (DPD Classic) as a PDF file, select "GTC DPD CLASSIC".

Parcel drop-off and pickup

You can drop off your DPD shipments at a DPD Pickup parcelshop or a DPD depot near you. Please note that the shipments you post at a DPD parcelshop are subject to the following restrictions:

Max. weight

20 kg

Longest side

100 cm

Max. girth

((height + width) x 2 + length))

250 cm

📌 If you deliver more than 5 parcels per day, you are no longer considered a small sender for DPD and must therefore have your DPD shipments picked up directly at your location.

You can have your DPD parcels ordered via Shipcloud conveniently picked up at your warehouse or store within Germany. Find out how to order a one-off or sporadic pickup for your DPD shipments here. Unfortunately, it is not currently possible to book pickups for DPD Express via the Shipcloud interface.

Good to know: If you ship via Shipcloud business rates for DPD, we can also request a regular pickup for your location from DPD if certain conditions are met.


With Shipcloud, you can easily generate your DPD returns labels yourself via plugin/API or via the Shipcloud webUI and add them as enclosures to your DPD shipments. The return labels can be generated for national as well as for returns from Austria, Netherlands and Belgium. With your own DPD contract you can also use this service internationally. In addition, you can give your customers access to the Shipcloud return portal, where they can request and print out return labels on their own. Returns generated via the returns portal can only be used within Germany. Billing for return labels is based on usage.

Good to know: You can store your own carrier account with us from our Professional subscription. For this purpose we provide you with a connection to DPD Iloxx or DPD Web Connect. If you want to ship from Austria with your own DPD account, this is also possible. In this case, please contact

Subsequent weight, package dimension and service corrections

Each parcel is measured and weighed on the conveyor systems using automatic laser showers and calibrated scales from DPD. Should there be any deviations from the dimensions or weight you specified when creating the shipping label, the carrier reserves the right to correct the weight and parcel dimensions and to adjust the shipping price accordingly. If you have booked a DPD small parcel, but your shipment exceeds the parcel dimensions and/or weight permitted for it, a service correction or change to the DPD standard parcel will be made. The newly determined price for your shipment will be invoiced to us by DPD and we reserve the right to pass on to you these subsequently incurred shipping costs and additional charges for your shipment in the form of surcharges.

Surcharges and additional fees

DPD reserves the right to make subsequent calculations if your parcels exceed the maximum parcel dimensions and weight limits, and/or certain DPD shipping conditions are not met by you. This includes, among other things, the use of packaging that is not suitable for conveyor belts, the transmission of an incorrect recipient address or island and out-of-area surcharges. A detailed list of surcharges, including associated explanations and prices, is available here.

📌 Shipcloud reserves the right to pass on these additional costs to you.

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