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1. Configure the Shipcloud connector for Shopware 5

How to connect Shipcloud with Shopware 5

Ina Kahl avatar
Written by Ina Kahl
Updated over a year ago

Connect your Shopware online store with the Shipcloud connector for Shopware 5 and create your shipping labels directly from your system.

In this article you will learn how to easily connect and set up the Shipcloud connector for Shopware 5 with your Shopware system.

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1. Download the Shipcloud connector for Shopware 5

Simply download the Shipcloud Connector for Shopware 5 from our plugin download page and upload it in your Shopware backend under "Configuration → Plugin Manager".

Install the Shipcloud Connector for Shopware 5 to connect it to your Shopware online shop and easily ship parcels directly from your Shopware backend using the major carriers.

2. Connect your Shipcloud account with Shopware 5

To be able to connect both systems via the connector, you need your Shipcloud API keys. In your Shipcloud account, click on your email address in the top right corner. Select "API Key" from the drop-down menu and copy both API keys.

Good to know: If you only want to test the technical functions of Shipcloud, you will need the Sandbox API key. However, this only allows you to create test shipping labels.

Log in to your Shopware 5 backend and access the Shipcloud connector again under "Configuration → Plugin Manager → Installed". Click on the pencil icon to configure it.

Enter your live Shipcloud API key in the first field and your sandbox API key in the second field. In the third field, you can select whether the Shipcloud Sandbox should be activated first. In sandbox mode, you can create test labels without incurring any costs. If you want to activate the test mode select "Ein".

3. Individual configurations for your Shipcloud connector

To successfully create shipping labels, make individual settings for your Shipcloud connector in the following fields.

ANGEL Last Mile

If you have integrated your own ANGEL contract or conditions in Shipcloud, you can store your access data for Angel-Last-Mile here. If this is not the case, you can leave the fields blank.

Good to know: Starting with our Professional subscription, you can store your own carrier contracts with us.

Shipping address

Now enter your shipping address:

  1. field: sender - company / name

  2. field: sender - first name

  3. field: sender - street

  4. field: sender - house number

  5. field: sender - zip code

  6. field: sender - city

  7. field: sender - country code (ISO 2-digit)

  8. field: sender . phone number

  9. field: sender - email

Good to know: The address from your Shopware 5 backend is always used to create the shipping labels.


Define a placeholder as a reference. This is automatically transferred to us via API and output on the shipping label.

Good to know: If you move the mouse over the question mark, the possible placeholders will be displayed. For example, if you choose {$orderNumber} as a placeholder, the reference number associated with a specific order will be used.

Order status

Determine when the order status should be changed by selecting the respective status in the drop-down menu.

Good to know: If you select the "Completed" status, the order status will be changed automatically after the shipping label is generated.

Cash on delivery

Select the payment method allowed for your customers for C.O.D. shipments and, if necessary, deposit your bank details:

  1. field: payment method "cash on delivery" (select)

  2. field: C.O.D. bank account - name of the bank

  3. field: C.O.D. bank account - account holder

  4. field: C.O.D. bank account - BIC

  5. field: C.O.D. bank account - IBAN


Specify whether a return label should be automatically issued in addition when all shipping labels are created. If you do not want to create return labels for the shipment, select "Nein" in the drop-down menu.

Higher insurance

If you have stored your own DHL or UPS contract with Shipcloud, here you can book the additional service higher insurance for all your shipments with a value of more than 500 €. If you don't want to book a higher insurance select "Nein".

Good to know: Higher insurance cannot be booked for shipments created via Shipcloud conditions. However, these are always insured up to a maximum goods value of 500€.

Bulky goods

Book this additional service with your own DHL contract if you are sending parcels that cannot be processed by machine in the parcel center due to their size, shape or characteristics. If you don't want to register bulky goods, select "Nein".

Good to know: The dispatch of bulky goods is not automatically included in your DHL contract. You must contractually agree this with DHL. Shipping bulky goods is not possible via Shipcloud business rates.

DPD Food

Book this additional service with your own DPD contract if you ship foods.

Good to know: To be able to use this additional service, you need a DPD food contract in addition to your own DPD contract. The shipment of perishable goods is not possible via Shipcloud business rates.


Determine whether your customers should receive shipping notifications / tracking mails through Shipcloud or through the carrier.

Good to know: In the Shipcloud webUI, you can define which shipping statuses your customers should be informed about. You can find more information here.

Address transmission to the carriers

Select whether the street and house number should be automatically separated.

Good to know: Some carriers require that street and house number are transferred separately. To prevent your shipping label from not being generated or errors from the recipient address being transmitted incorrectly, we recommend that you activate these settings with "Ja".

Tracking of external shipment numbers

Activate the tracker for external shipment numbers here.

Good to know: By activating a tracker, it is possible to track external shipment numbers that were not created via shipcloud.

Parcel configuration for Hermes

Make a pre-selection for the standard parcel dimensions of your Hermes shipments. If you don't ship via your own Hermes contract or don't want to define standard parcel dimensions for your Hermes shipments, you can leave these fields blank.

Good to know: Starting with our Professional subscription, you can deposit your own carrier contracts with us.

Weight configuration

Define the article weight, packaging weight, package weight and flat weight.

The field "Artikel ohne Angaben" ("articles without weight specifications") can be used to define a standard weight for all products whose article master data don't contain a weight.

The field "Verpackung" ("packaging weight") is used to define a flat weight that is added to the article weight and displayed on the shipping label.

The field "Packstück maximal" ("max. package weight") defines the maximum weight for a package. Based on the defined weight, the number of packages per order is automatically determined and, if necessary, an additional shipping label is generated.

You use the field "Pauschale pro Bestellung" ("flat weight") to define a generally valid weight. This is especially advantageous if you do not want an individual calculation of the shipping weight. This value overwrites all specifications regardless of what you have stored in the master data for the articles. If you do not want to define a flat weight, it is still necessary that you enter a 0 in this field, as this is a mandatory field.

Good to know: Shipments that you create via Shipcloud business rates may weigh up to a maximum of 31.5 kg. You can also find more information here.

Customs configuration

In the first field, use "Ein" ("On") or "Aus" ("Off") to specify whether a customs document should be created in PDF format for each shipment. If you select "Aus" here, only the PDF creation will be omitted, but the data will still be transmitted to the carriers.

In the field "Standard-Paketinhalt für Zoll" ("Standard package contents for customs"), you can enter information about the shipment contents, which will be displayed directly in the customs content declaration for customs to view. If you do not want to enter any information here, you can leave the field blank.

In the field “Standard-Paketinhalt für Carrier” ("Standard package content for carrier") you can enter information about the shipment content. If you do not want to enter any information here, you can leave the field blank.

Exceptions in the weight calculation

Define which articles are to be excluded from the weight calculation. For this, it is necessary that you have previously stored a weight at "Artikel ohne Angaben" ("articles without weight specifications").

Good to know: This function can be used especially for discounts, surcharges or vouchers. You can store the article numbers comma-separated. These will then not be taken into account in the calculation.

Pickups for express shipments

Specify here whether a pickup should be booked automatically for all express shipments and store the pickup period for your express shipments.

In the second field you define the earliest possible pickup date. If you leave this field blank, the current date is automatically stored. In the other two fields you set the time window in which the pickup should take place.


Specify the standard incoterms clauses for your GLS shipments.

Good to know: Incoterms are a set of voluntary clauses for the interpretation of customary contractual formulas that are interpreted uniformly internationally and apply worldwide. If required, you can also adapt your incoterms while creating a shipping label.

DHL ID Check

Here you can define for all your DHL shipments whether the additional service DHL ID Check should be transferred with the label creation. You can choose between "Prüfung von Identität und Alter: mindestens 16" ("ID check from 16 years") and "Prüfung von Identität und Alter: mindestens 18" ("ID Check from 18 years"). If you don't want to book this additional service, select "Kein ID Check" ("no ID check").

Good to know: You can only book the additional service DHL ID check with your own DHL contract.

If you have not yet configured your Shopware 5 backend in general, then you will find all the necessary information of a step-by-step guide of Shopware 5.

Any further questions? We are happy to help you.

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