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UPS: Maximum dimensions and weight, surcharges and additional fees

UPS shipping terms and possible additional surcharges

Ina Kahl avatar
Written by Ina Kahl
Updated over a week ago

++ In effect from September 09th, 2024, until January 31st, 2025, UPS will impose a temporary demand surcharge for large packages and for packages that require additional handling. However, Shipcloud will not pass this surcharge on to you until September 16th, 2024, giving you an extra week to prepare for the surcharges. Additionally, as of April 17th, 2023, until further notice, UPS is imposing a demand surcharge for oversized packages. ++

In this article you will find important information about UPS package dimensions and weight limits, as well as possible surcharges and fees.

In this article 👇

Maximum package dimensions and weight limits

Normal packages

Max. weight

max. 31,5 kg

Max. dimensions

longest side max. 100 cm, second longest side max. 76 cm

Max. girth *

max. 300 cm

Parcel shop drop-off

Max. weight

max. 20 kg

Max. dimensions

longest side max. 97 cm, second longest side max. 76 cm

Max. girth
(girth = (height + width) x 2 + length))

max. 300 cm

📌 Please note that additional costs per shipment may apply if your packages exceed the maximum package dimensions and weight limits. If the weight specified by you is exceeded, the additional weight charge will be noted on your invoice as Freight Cost. Shipcloud reserves the right to pass on to you the surcharges levied by UPS (see table below).

📌 Please note that it is not possible to send bulky shipments at Shipcloud business rates. This option is only available if you have your own UPS contract.

Surcharges and additional fees*

Demand surcharge during the peak season

Temporary surcharge or longer-term surcharge until further notice for national and international shipments levied by UPS, especially during periods of heavy traffic. Demand/peak surcharges are charged at a flat rate per parcel and in addition to other existing surcharges.



Price per shipment from October 1st, 2023

Price per shipment from September 16th, 2024

1. Peak- Additional Handling

€ 7.00

€ 7.00

2. Peak - Large Parcel

€ 67.50 €

€ 73.90

3. Peak - Over Max (Over Maximum Limits)*

€ 426.00

€ 440.00

*The oversize/over maximum limit surcharge is not limited in time and will therefore continue to be levied by UPS after January 31, 2025 if the package shipped exceeds the allowable package dimensions.

Standard Surcharges



Price per shipment
from January 1st, 2024

Price per shipment
from January 1st, 2025

Additional Handling

This surcharge applies to all parcels that cannot be processed through the UPS automated shipping system due to their size, weight or packaging:

1. Additional Handling - Heavy Package

Surcharge for parcels with an actual weight (not volumetric weight) of more than 32 kg and for each package in a UPS shipment whose average weight is more than 32 kg and the weight is not indicated on the origin or shipping documents.

Mandatory marking of heavy parcels:

Marking heavy packages with a sticker or signal tape is mandatory and serves as a safety notice for UPS employees. It also ensures that these packages can be transported properly.

2. Additional Handling - Packaging

Surcharge for goods in a metal or wooden packaging and for items in cylindrical containers (e.g. barrels, drums, pails or tires) which are not completely enclosed in a corrugated board packaging.

3. Additional Handling - Exceedance of maximum UPS package dimensions

Surcharge for packages with the longest side exceeding 100 cm or its second-longest side exceeding 30 inches (76 cm).

No money-back guarantee for parcels with Additional Handling:

In consideration of the additional handling required and subsequent potential delays in processing these shipments, UPS does not provide a money-back guarantee for them.

€ 14.50


€ 22.20

€ 25.05

Address Correction

Surcharge for additional handling and transportation costs incurred when the recipient's address is incorrect and UPS attempts to locate the correct address.

Further information:

If UPS has taken action to deliver worldwide shipments but has been unsuccessful, the shipments will be processed according to your instructions.

€ 6.50

€ 6.50

Remote Area (Extended/
Remote Area)

Surcharge resulting from higher operating costs for deliveries and collections in less populated extended and urban areas as well as in remote areas beyond UPS extended areas, which are less accessible (domestic and international services).

Further information:

An overview of the affected areas can be found directly on the UPS website.

€ 25.00

€ 25.00

Large Package (Large Package)

Surcharge for packages whose length plus girth [girth = (2 x width) + (2 x height)] combined exceeds 300 cm but is below the maximum UPS dimension of 400 cm. In addition to the surcharge, large packages are also billed at a minimum weight of 40 kg. The "Additional Handling" surcharge is waived if the "Large Package" surcharge is already being applied.

€ 49.50

€ 95.55

Large Package - Over Maximum Limits

Surcharge for packages with a weight of more than 70 kg or a length of more than 274 cm or a total dimension of more than 400 cm in length and girth [(2 x width) + (2 x height)]. Generally, UPS does not accept packages of this kind for shipping. However, if such packages are still found within the UPS shipping network, the "Over Maximum Limits" surcharge will be applied for national and international shipments.

€ 426.00

€ 468.50

Proof of Delivery (POD) upon request

Surcharge that applies if proof of delivery is requested from UPS and then provided by UPS by fax or post.

€ 5.50

€ 5.85

Underliverable Return (Return of Undeliverable Packages)

Surcharge for transportation and fuel charges incurred by returning undeliverable shipments.

Further information:

All national packages and shipments within the EU, will be automatically returned to you with UPS Standard service (where available).


€ 3,80


€ 5,30


€ 6,80


€ 3.80


€ 5.30


€ 6.80

Saturday Delivery

Surcharge for Saturday delivery of UPS Standard packages.

Further information:

Standard packages are delivered by UPS only on working days (mo-fri) from 8 am to 6 pm. A Saturday delivery for already booked UPS standard packages (until usually 12 o'clock) is generally possible, but will be charged with an additional fee.

€ 20.00

€ 20.00

Freight Cost

Surcharge levied by the shipping service provider if the actual weight of the parcel exceeds the booked weight. The amount of the surcharge is calculated according to the next higher price level of the shipping label.

Difference based on the weight difference determined by the shipping service provider

Difference based on the weight difference determined by the shipping service provider

Signature fee

Surcharge levied by the shipping service provider if the additional service “Signature on delivery” is booked.

€ 1,45

€ 1.45

Disbursement fee

Surcharge levied by the shipping service provider to Shipcloud, which we pass on to you as our customer. These are customs costs incurred (customs duties etc.).

Varies depending on the country of delivery

Varies depending on the country of delivery

* Surcharges are charged as (net) business fees, plus the applicable 19% VAT. Please note that the carriers may make changes to the surcharge or subsequent charge prices and we reserve the right to adjust these due to additional operational expenses. The surcharges and fees listed above were last updated on December 20th, 2024, effective January 1st, 2025.

📌 Further information on possible UPS surcharges can also be found directly on the UPS website.

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